The Long Fall Down 6141

I read the review of Rory’s show in Bossier City last night, which apparently was a wild one, and a concert filled with an electric atmosphere. The author of the review said that he was initially worried that it would be a violent bloodfest, but his fears were quickly allayed when Rory took the stage to applause and had fun with the crowd. He then commented at length on Rory’s jaw-dropping bass skills. “Seeing such musicianship live is always a treat, especially in this era of music where being able to play doesn’t seem to be in style, and that is why so many of today’s concerts are sterile and boring affairs; there is no human connection,” the reviewer wrote, which I applauded. The glowing critique of his show made me smile, and the critic also said some nice words about the Rattlers, who opened the show., calling them an intelligent, hard rock outfit.

After reading the review, I checked on the goings-on back in McSwain, which I normally do once a week. I was taken aback by the headline about a local attorney who was arrested for embezzlement last night. I saw the picture of Ronald Ploney, a lawyer who deals only in civil matters, smiling. The pic was from his business and undoubtedly not representative of how he feels now. I read on, and the article described how Ploney bilked several clients out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. I shook my head and then thought about the little prick for a few moments.

Born into a wealthy family who let it be known they were all white-collar professionals who were better than the common-folk of McSwain, the Ploneys are not a well-liked family anywhere in the county. Starting with Henry Ploney and continuing with his three miserable sons, Jacob, Matthew, and Ronald, the clan arrogance borders almost on comical. Jacob and Matthew are doctors while Ronald became an attorney, which his son followed him into the profession. Henry Ploney, also an attorney, was delighted that his grandson followed in his path, which resulted in the boy being showered with attention, money, and anything else he wanted. Ronald became a lawyer, but he lacked the discipline and drive that his father and grandfather possessed, and therefore, his practice never flourished like it should have. Blake walked into the room and asked what I was reading. I told her about Ploney, and she asked me how well I knew him. “He’s about ten years younger than me, but I know him well enough to know he’s a prick. Everything was given to him, and so he thought he should have everything. I’ve heard rumors that he and his wife were on the outs and that he was having a hard time paying for his kids whims. If someone had put a boot up his ass when he was younger, maybe none of this would be happening now, but hell, there’s other problems with that family.” “You think he’ll pull any time,” Blake asked. “Probably not, it’s his first offense, and his family will bail him out, but Ronald’s run is over,” I replied.

I then thought about Rory.

Ronald Ploney had every advantage in life and still fucked it up because he was never taught that there are consequences for bullshit. All of the best schools, material things, and proper lineage has gotten him busted for embezzlement. Meanwhile, Rory, who grew up with nothing, is now a millionaire. Now, Rory musical ability saved his ass; however, he was on the wrong path before we got steered him right. The most important thing Rory did was listen to good advice and admit he needed help. Rory also appreciated the sense of family we have given him, which has allowed him to grow more secure in himself. One man took his good fortune for granted while the other built upon his talent and cherishes every day as an opportunity to accomplish more and do great things.

Ronald is about to discover that the farther you fall, the more it hurts.

Published in: on February 18, 2019 at 7:33 am  Leave a Comment  
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See No Evil 6006

Alan stopped over after supper to give us an update on the aftermath of the brawl at school this morning. Blake and I could tell that he had a rough day and he admitted that he was glad that day was over. “I almost lost it a few times with some of those parents, but I managed to keep it together. The security camera captured the entire incident in high resolution that made it easy to see what happened, yet, a couple of the parents still wanted to deny that their precious kids did anything wrong, even though the tape proved otherwise. We showed it to them several times and proved that it wasn’t doctored or altered in any way, but that didn’t matter to them; all they cared about is that their child was going to be unjustly punished, and what makes it even more galling is that it’s the parents of the kids who were the aggressors who are making the biggest fuss over this. The school lawyer told them they’re lucky their kids are going to a school that doesn’t automatically call the cops and let the cards fall wherever, but again, they could have cared less, so they’re going to pull their spawn out of the school rather than let them face the consequences of their actions,” Alan said. “You’re kidding,” Blake replied. “Nope, that girl who nearly knocked you over, Kayla Harris, her father is David Harris, a doctor, who also happens to be a world-class prick, said that his daughter wouldn’t be subjected to any kind of discipline by a bunch of hillbillies. The kid who I stopped from attacking that other boy, Jared Hensel, his mother, Ingrid, a real-estate lawyer, said pretty much the same thing, but added that her son wouldn’t be going to a gladiator school, which made me laugh because that little punk would have been obliterated had I let him attack that other boy. The rest of the parents are okay with the punishment after they saw what happened. I mean, some of them were upset that they’re precious little beings are going to have to suffer the indignity of in-school suspension, but they understand what has to be done.” “Goodness gracious, they should be grateful that their kids weren’t hurt and are just getting an in-school suspension,” I remarked. “Really,” Blake added. “It gets harder every year to deal with these kids, and one day it’ll be impossible, which will be the day the parents rue,” Alan said. “I know,” Blake replied. “These rich pricks are worse than the poor kids, or the bad ones are. Their values are warped, and they lack any kind self-control. I know what not to do with Jr.,” Alan then said. “That’s why our girls have chores and have limited use of technology and don’t get the latest fashions when they come out. They’re going to appreciate what they have, or they’re not going to have it,” I said. “I know that, Scragg, Gio, Rayne, and Elizabeth are the best students out there and never expect anything they don’t earn. Of course the same goes for your grandkids, and my son, Kevin’s kids, little Josh; the kids who have had some raising as they say. We grew up when if you did something then you were good for it. We caught those kids on tape, yet, their parents want to deny irrefutable evidence because they don’t want to admit that their children could do anything wrong. You can see no evil, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there, or that you’re not complicit,” the professor replied. 

The parents who are pulling their kids out of Merilott are teaching their offspring that they don’t have to abide by the rules of any governing body, which will hamper them as they progress through life because Alan is right: when you see no evil, you do no good.

Published in: on November 16, 2018 at 1:02 am  Leave a Comment  
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A Multi-Headed Serpent 5950

Blake went out with her mother to look at some houses this morning while I stayed around the farm. I was lounging on the couch when Marty called and told me that G.T. Hackney was on the television professing his innocence and laying all the blame for the carnage in Warren County on the likes of the McMillen’s and other assorted lowlifes. “These accusations are an outrage and will be proven so. I ‘ve been a man of integrity my entire life and for these accusations to levied against me is not only disgusting but criminal,” G.T. Hackney said, before getting into his SUV and speeding off. The reporter then said that charges are pending for Hackney, which will possibly include capital murder, which made me wonder why the asshole is still free.

G.T. Hackney’s lawyer, a stern-looking man, named John Heberstall then fielded questions with the first one being if his client is innocent. “Of course he is, everyone has the presumption of innocence.” “What do you think Blake Schneider’s role is in all of this?” “I don’t know, go ask her.” “What is your client’s relationship with Bob Miles?” “They’re friends.” “What about Bruce Dowley?” “The same. “The Scragg Man?” “My client doesn’t know the Scragg Man, look, this isn’t about celebrity, so if you have pertinent questions then ask them; otherwise, I have better things to do.” “Does your client have any idea where the McMillen’s are?” “Of course not, if he did he would contact the authorities.” “When do you expect charges to be filed?” “I don’t know, that’s all I have for now,” Heberstall said before getting into his Audi.

I turned off the television and thought about how G.T. Hackney could still be walking around in light of the severity of the crimes that have been committed. Like Heberstall said: everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty; however, if his name has been mentioned as a member of the Warren County Mafia, which has committed some ungodly crimes, then I would think that the State of Kansas or the Feds have some evidence against him. The McMillen’s are on the run and G.T. Hackney will soon also if they don’t act quickly.

I called Hernandez, who painted a grim picture. “This was a royal clusterfuck, Scragg, and everyone knows it. They better get G.T. into custody because despite him being an old man, he still can flee. The McMillen’s are probably on the West Coast, or that’s what some people are thinking. They’ll get them, but it won’t put an end to the Warren County Mafia because that thing is a multi-headed serpent that keeps growing extremities,” the former D.E.A. Agent said. “Have you heard anything that concerns us,” I then asked. “No.” “That’s all I wanted to know.” “That doesn’t mean you’re safe, Scragg.” “I know that.” “Just as long as you know.”

I hung up the phone and then walked outside to do some work in the yard.

Published in: on October 17, 2018 at 3:09 am  Leave a Comment  
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Our Reality 5503

Kilburn came to the house with a plan and his usual pleasant self, which I wanted to see and hear. “We’ll deal with these assholes in an appropriate way to make them understand that making bullshit accusations isn’t nice. I’ve already called the Wichita Police and told them that Probert is a disgrace and his presence on the force reflects poorly on them. I also told them to prepare for a lawsuit if this continues. I’ve already begun legal action against Probert. As for the two dickheads who made accusations against Rory and Cullen, I’ve secured the services of your security team to investigate their background that we already know is shitty, but I suspect we’ll find more sleaze on them. They, too, can eat shit and die. The station in Houston is already retracting most of what that cocksucker told them, and the reporter and producer who decided to run with it are getting raked over the coal. The television show, which ran the other guy’s story, is a cesspool of lies and fucked up shit, so they’re used to getting into with lawyers, but that’s not going stop us from trying to fuck their shit up. I’m playing hardball, Scragg, and I want you to know that. Oh yeah, I worked out the contract details with Triumph Motorcycles, and it’s lucrative. I’ve also finalized the deal with Eicher regarding the outerwear you’re putting your name on. He said you should be getting the clothing today. I’ve also worked out the deal with Eagle Studios regarding Blake’s cut from the script, which should net her a lot of money, but please, Blake, let’s stop these side projects and focus on upfront money,” he told my wife. “Alright, Jerry,” she replied. “That’s the situation, I’ll keep you apprised,” the lawyer said before going on his way.

Thank God, Kilburn is a world-class asshole.

I took Blake and the girls to the Texas Roadhouse for supper, which delighted all of them. The girls ordered a small rib basket while Blake got the shrimp platter. I decided to go for the full rack of ribs. We also got the Cactus Blossom, their version of the Blooming Onion. I noticed the smiles on Elizabeth and Amy’s faces, which melted any remaining anger I had from the day. Blake also wore a look of contentment. “Good job, Elmer, this is what we needed,” my wife said. “I couldn’t agree more. I wanted to stomp some arse today, but that’s why we have Kilburn and the rest of the guys. We’re going to be just dandy, and I’m not going to fret over this,” I replied. “Same for me,” Blake added.

Fred, the manager of the restaurant, stopped by the table to wish us a happy New Year. “You doing okay,” he asked. “Never better,” I replied. “Good, we all know garbage when we see it,” he replied. “Exactly.” “I saw an interview with some people in South America, and they sure had choice words about those lies,” Fred then said. “They know it, too, and they’re my most loyal fans, so I’m happy they have my back.” “Everyone does, Scragg,” Fred replied. I then asked about his family and wished him continued success and good health. “Enjoy your dinner,” he told us. “You mean supper,” I joked. Fred laughed and gave me a thumbs up.

When you’re the victim of bogus accusations, it’s easy to fall into the trap of feeling the world is against you, but like Fred said, most everyone knows bullshit when they see it. Blake and I, along with Cullen and Rory have wonderful family and friends who back us without question. Our lives are rich and fulfilling and full of love. We have to remember that before we start spewing hatred.

Our reality is nothing like the bullshit that’s being circulated about us.


Published in: on January 6, 2018 at 12:17 am  Leave a Comment  
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Drug-Fueled Bravado 4229

I called Jake and advised him of the situation that got a chuckle out him. “I’m not laughing at what he said to Caroline, Scragg, I’m laughing because we got the goods on that asshole. Remember last time when you told us to use our imagination about dealing with that asshole,” he asked me. “Yes, Sir.” “Well, Charles has a friend who was doing consulting work in L.A. about the time he acted up the last time, so he had his buddy do a little surveillance on him and he got some sordid pics. Apparently, it wasn’t hard, but we followed your instructions not to throw it his face if he stayed quiet, well, it’s time we got those pics, so let me get up with Charles and we’ll lower the boom on the shithead,” Jake replied. “Excellent, that’s exactly what I wanted to hear,” I replied.

I got a badass security team.

Dr. Dave stopped by the farm and requested a word with me. We walked to the field where he told me about the incident yesterday. “I heard, Gio and Rayne told me, and I thank you for confronting that dickhead,” I replied. “I’m sorry, Sir, and I know Gio and Rayne were upset, as was Caroline. I told him that he’s nothing but a punk, which enraged him. He threatened me, but I’m hardly intimidated, however, he’s a vulgar man with a nasty temper and one that I would never let around Caroline and the girls. I wanted to crawl through the phone and stomp him, but punks always talk shit when they know they’re safe. I don’t think I’ve ever been as disgusted as I was yesterday, Sir, and I wanted you to know that he’s unstable and potentially violent,” the veterinarian said. “We’re dealing with him as we speak, so don’t get too upset over that shithead,” I replied. “It was a great day and we all had a lot of fun, then that asshole called. I told Caroline to change her phone number and to actually do it this time. I hated to see the girls upset like that,” Dave then said. “Caroline is doing that now, she should be back shortly,” I replied. “I’ll call her after I make my rounds,” Dave said.

I walked in the house and found Robin and Maire talking to their nieces who were laughing and back to being kids. Blake was still simmering over what that turd did yesterday. “He’s about as vile a man as there is,” she remarked in anger. “That he is, but we got some incriminating pics coming our way,” I replied before telling Blake what Jake told me. “I want that asshole out of those girls lives forever and I don’t care what it takes,” my wife said, her eyes burning with rage. “And we’re ready to do that,” I replied. “Caroline also has to be willing to do what’s necessary to end this,” my wife then said. “Yes she does and when she gets back I’m going to remind her that.” Blake nodded and then went to check on the girls.

My oldest daughter arrived back at the farm with a new phone and number. I told her that the game is over and for her to take hold. “He’s doing this because he knows he can rattle you, but no more, we have pictures of him engaging in all kinds of deviant behavior ad we won’t hesitate to use them against him,” I added. “I know, Daddy, and I’m ready to get him out of our lives,” she replied. “Good, now let’s get ready to eat.”

Charles stopped by after lunch with a laptop in hand and wasted no time in showing me pictures of John Collins in all of his grim debauchery. Charles’ friend captured the shithead doing coke, cavorting with women nearly half his age, drinking whiskey straight out of the bottle, posing for crude and overtly sexual pictures, and generally being a lowlife piece of shit. One shot, in particular, concerned me because the woman in the picture looked like a minor whom he was fondling and giving alcohol too. “He’s a piece of work, Scragg, and these shots were easy for him to take, which means he’s open about his reckless lifestyle,” Charles said. “Okay, tell your friend I thank him for these. I’m going to let my daughter take a peek,” I replied. I called Caroline out and she looked at the shots in horror as I reminded her of what she’s dealing with. “He’s like an out-of-control frat boy,” she remarked. “Right, he’s nothing more than a silly and drunken man-child who needs to a dose of reality to bring his world down. Now get on with your life and forget about this piece of shit,” I replied. My daughter gave me a determined look when I showed her the pic that has me concerned. “He’s such an asshole,” she scoffed. “He is that,” Charles added.

I called Connor, who instructed me to send him the pictures. The dickhead’s father wants to crawl under a rock and is going to get back with me tomorrow, so having those pictures will give me added leverage. Charles sent the pics and May looked them over. “Christ, this guy makes it easy, but that’s good because it’ll make it easy,” he said. “Do your thing, Sir, and make this shithead pay,” I replied.

I then told my daughter the obvious truth.

“This is drug-fueled bravado, which doesn’t mean he’s not dangerous, but it does mean he’s a punk. His life sucks and we’re going to make it worse, so prepare for that. He doesn’t care about you and the girls, so move on and disregard this fool,” I told her. Charles told her the same thing. Caroline shook her and said that she has nothing but contempt for the asshole. “It’s a shame, but he’s who he is, which isn’t much,” she added.

And that’s the truth about John Collins.

Published in: on January 4, 2016 at 1:14 am  Leave a Comment  
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The Whack List 4198

Marty came by the house looking glum. I asked him if there was a problem and he told me about a man named Daniel Appernan, a lawyer who was with Lacy’s law firm who’s decided to kiss and tell about the seamier side of the firm. “He’s portraying Lacy as a pedophile, Carlton Surrey as a serial killer, and Stone Miller as a psychopath; all of which might be accurate, but it sure doesn’t look good. He’s telling this to Expose Television, so you can imagine what he’s said,” my manager told me. “Is the interview on the net?” “No, it’s airing tonight at eight, I just wanted to give you a heads up.” “How do you know what he’s going to say?” Marty pulled up a preview of the interview.

Oh shit.

“Lacy has a taste for young men; sometimes even boys. He’d bring them into his office and have all kinds of fun with them. Carlton Surrey would help procure them for him, and in turn, Lacy would help Carlton get young ladies. Lurid sex was common at the office and sometimes we would have to take clients elsewhere to keep them from hearing all the moans and screaming,” Appernan said, looking like a sleazy ambulance chaser.

And there was more.

“Stone Miller is a crazy thug who likes inflicting pain.  I remember one time when he stepped on the testicles of a homeless man who was panhandling. The man was begging for mercy, which made Stone laugh. He then kicked the man several times in the face before leaving him in the cold. I tried to help, but Stone threatened me with my life if I told,” Appernan continued.

That firm was something out of a Grisham novel.

“There’s a bomb about to drop, Scragg, I don’t know what it is, but reports out of Expose Television say that it’s shocking,” Marty said.

I then got a call from Jake.

“Scragg, security is on their way to your house, it’s bad, so just sit tight,” the security man said. “What’s going on, Jake?” “That asshole who talked to Expose Television has just been arrested and is now saying all kinds of weird shit, but here it is in a nutshell: Erica put a hit out on you and Barton,” Jake replied.

What the fuck?

“Erica talked to this Appernan a few weeks ago about securing a hitman to whack you and Barton. He’s a sleazebag who should be in jail, but anyway, he recorded it and then got up with Herb Cozzie, who decided that holding on to this information might be a felony, so he notified the police, but only after he taped the interview and held it long enough for it to air tonight.” “Is Erica going to be arrested,” I asked. “She’s about to, the police are at the Stevenson compound.”

This is fucking crazy.

I told Blake what Jake told me and she gave me a dire look. “This is insane, Elmer, and I’m sick of this,” she replied. “I know.” “We’ve got to get away from those people,” she then screamed. “This should put Erica away…” “Elmer, there’s still Elise, Rene, Adele, and that fucking Barton. I hate to tell you this, but none of them can be trusted!” “Let’s just calm down…” “Fuck that, this is insane and I’m not going to stand for it!”

The Security team arrived with Paige and Robin, who were distraught. Charles pulled me aside and said that they, too, were on Erica’s ‘whack list’ as she called it. “They weren’t the targets, but were added bonuses,” Charles said with disgust. Blake lost it and ran into her room. A quiet Paige took a seat on the couch and didn’t utter a word. Robin looked about in disbelief. “Where’s Maire,” I asked. “She’ll be escorted home when she’s done for the day,” Jacque replied. Caroline and the girls came over and were taken into the living room.

I fumed while trying to formulate a plan.

Published in: on December 21, 2015 at 11:13 pm  Leave a Comment  
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One More Bomb 3191

We continued to watch the grim events unfold on the compound on the television. I could see that my wife and kids were visibly upset, which pissed me off. The corrupt lawyers and billionaires are getting what they richly deserve, but in the process, those who have no culpability in the morass are suffering, also. And with gun play now involved, the stakes have been raised considerably. “I hope no else gets killed,” Bella pleaded. “Maybe not,” Chase said.

Unfortunately, that wouldn’t be the case.

The cops stormed the house and according to initial reports, both Larry McDonald and his thug accomplice were killed upon their entry. Erica, Barton, and Adele are safe, but obviously shaken up. Chase looked on in disbelief. He never could have imagined this kind of carnage could happen in his world, but it jut did. I could also see the confusion setting in, which will take him a awhile to sort out, even thought the root of all this is plain as can be.

Blake gave me a serious look.

“This is out-of-control and it needs to stop, but I have a terrible feeling that Carlton Surrey and that dreadful P.I. aren’t done,” she said. “You’re probably right, the endgame is still to come, probably tomorrow,” I replied. “What else can they do,” Chase asked. “Connect the dots,” I replied. “What do you mean?” “Chase, Carlton Surrey had vendetta against your family, his law firm, John Cassini, and anyone else whom he felt screwed him over. I rather suspect this goes deeper than we know, so he’ll enlighten all of us.”

Chase wanted to run and hide.

I looked at Bella, who was still reeling, “You okay,” I asked her. “I can’t believe this, I mean there are guns and death, that’s not the world we live in,” she said. “Polite society ain’t all that polite,” Rory interjected. “When the rich and powerful throw down, who they going to go to? They’re no different from anyone else,” he added. “How could my father do that,” the young lady then asked. “You never suspected that he might be dirty,” Rory asked. Bella burst into tears, which prompted me to turn off the television.

It was confirmed that McDonald and the two thugs were killed during their assault on the compound, which creates more questions about this sordid situation. The investigation will uncover ugly facts about all parties involved, which could lead to more sordid shit. However, like Blake said: Carlton probably isn’t done fucking with people, and he most likely saved the worst for last.  “I hope we’re wrong about that awful P.I. having any more recording or pictures, but this doesn’t feel over. Carlton planted one more bomb,” Blake said.

And it’s about to go off.

Published in: on October 6, 2014 at 4:36 am  Leave a Comment  
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